As many of our guests ask about options for processing their catch, we have put together this summary to assist you. As part of our respect for the natural resources of the Haida Gwaii/ Queen Charlotte Islands, we ensure that any fish retained is handled to preserve its freshness. This starts with treatment of your catch while out on the water where we will bleed your fish and keep it cool to ensure it is the best it can be regardless of the processing option you choose.
As Naden Lodge is not a commercially licensed fish processor, we are limited by law to how small we are able to cut fish. As a result, Naden Lodge sends all fish retained by our guests to a local Masset commercial fish processor, to be cut into individually vacuum packed one pound pieces. The cost of this service is included in your trip package price.
Our guests will also continue to have the option of utilizing St. Jeans Cannery in Nanaimo should they wish to have their fish smoked or canned. Custom processing such as smoking or canning will be an extra charge for our guests. If you choose to send your fish to be smoked or canned it will not be ready for shipment home with you at the end of your trip and will be shipped, at your expense, at a later date via courier to your home. Detailed information on the processing options available from St. Jeans will be available at the lodge.
All fish processed by the local fish processor into one pound pieces will be packed in special boxes and will accompany you on your trip home.
We are often asked questions by our guests on the topic of tipping. In an effort to assist you, please consider the following:
1. As is customary in service based industries, the tipping of our staff for good service is appreciated but not expected;
2. Should you wish to leave a tip for our staff, you may do so:
a. by leaving cash in the envelope provided to you; or
b. on your credit card in conjunction with settling your account at the end of your trip;
3. Should you wish to leave a cash tip, please utilize the appropriate envelope that will be left in your room on the final day of your trip. Please turn this envelope in to our onsite manager when you are ready;
4. For your convenience, we suggest that all tipping be done at the end of your stay as opposed to daily;
5. If you believe you have received good service and would like to show your appreciation to our staff, we offer the following information. Over the past several seasons tips have generally averaged $150/day/guest. Naden Lodge staff utilize a method of sharing tips amongst all of the guides, house and dock staff based on a methodology that emphasizes the team effort required to deliver the best experience possible to our guests.
Tipping, Taxes, Pre-ordered Alcohol & specialty Wines (House Wine with dinner is included) Your Fishing License, Custom fish processing, Lodge Gift shop items, Massage.
If you wish to have the lodge purchase alcohol for your stay please make sure you make a note on your guest questionnaire
As a result of changes made by the department of fishing and oceans, Naden Lodge is no longer able to provide fishing licenses to our guests. All saltwater fishing licenses and Pacific Salmon Stamps must now be purchased online by the fisherman. The following information will assist you in your purchase. Begin by clicking on the link directly below.
Naden Lodge is proud to offer its guests the convenience of direct flights to Haida Gwaii from Calgary and other major western Canadian centres. Upon your arrival in Masset we will greet you on the tarmac as you deplane, collect your luggage and then take you in our 11 passenger van for the very short five minute drive to our lodge.
25 lbs
Naden Lodge uses Islander MR-3 single action fishing reels , with G-Loomis 10’6″ mooching rods.We always encourage our guests to bring their favorite rod & reel if they prefer.Please make a note on your guest information sheet if you require a left or right handed reel.
We have the highest of quality rain-gear and boots for all Naden Lodge guests.Please make sure you enter your sizes on the guest information sheet and it will be waiting for you in our dry room.
We have cell phone coverage and the WiFi is free.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Toll Free: 1-800-771-TYEE
Phone: (250) 626-3322
Fax: (250) 626-5465